Flight Crew Selection

The selection and testing of future flight crew members belongs to a difficult but important process in aviation. The Horizon selection process applies operator-specific requirements, combined with updated knowledge of screening candidates. The four different modules listed below will allow a solid evaluation of a future flight crew member.


The assessment of a flight crew lasts at least one day. The depth of the assessment has an influence on the duration.

ATPL Training Horizon Swiss Flight Academy

Location & On-site training

Unless otherwise specified, the assessment takes place at the training facilities of Horizon Swiss Flight Academy in Kloten, Switzerland.

Ausbildung zum Linienpilot


The assessment is designed for the specific needs of AOC holders. All our assessment are customized according to the operators' needs. Please contact us directly for your specific course offer.

Contact me for your individual course offer
Ron Teichmann


Steinackerstrasse 56
CH-8302 Kloten

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